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Getting to know our dental team - An interview with Cosmetic & Restorative Dentist Frances....

Updated: Sep 30

How long have you been practicing dentistry, and what initially inspired you to pursue this career?

32 years, I wanted a hands on/crafty job. Medicine and the dental industry seemed just the thing, and still does!

How long have you worked at Crossbank Dental Care?

I have currently worked at Crossbank Dental Care since 2022 and previously for 3 years.

What aspect of dentistry do you have a particular interest in?

Cosmetic and restorative, particularly making great smiles. 

What do you find most rewarding about your role?

The delight when a patient sees their end result, and converting a scared non attender into a regular willing patient. 

What advice would you give to someone who is anxious about visiting the dentist?

Try to relax, trust us to do our job, we're good at it and it will be worth it.  You will be so proud of yourself for addressing your fears.  

If you had to swap jobs for one day in the practice, which job would you swap and why?

Front of House, I would enjoy a face to face role and helping patients.

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