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When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”


- John Ruskin

“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little.

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  • Consultation
    New Patient Consultation (1 hour) - £123.00 (paid at the time of booking) Welcome back appointment - £107.00 Dental Health Review (exam) - Included X-rays/Photos (each) - Included Fluoride varnish application - Included OPG X-ray - Included
  • Dental Implants
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Implant (single tooth + crown) Including bone augmentation if required - £3,500.00 Implant retained upper denture - Bespoke quotation Implant retained lower denture - Bespoke quotation
  • Invisalign
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Invisalign Comprehensive - £4,399.00 Invisalign Moderate 2 arches - £3,699.00 Invisalign Moderate 1 arch - £2,950.00 Invisalign Lite 2 arches - £2,999.00 Invisalign Lite 1 arch - £2,199.00 Invisalign Express 2 arches - £1,999.00 Invisalign Express 1 arch - £1,520.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper & lower) - £400.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper or lower) - £264.00
  • Composite Bonding
    Small surface (chair side) - £261.00 Medium surface (chair side) - £293.00 Large surface (chair side) - £338.00
  • Advanced Restorations
    Composite Inlay / Onlay - £739.00 Porcelain Inlay - £829.00 Gold Crown - £829.00 + gold Crown - £907.000 Veneer - £907.00 Composite Veneer - £907.00 Bridges (per unit) - £907.00
  • Facial Aesthetics Treatments
    Wrinkle-relaxing injectables: 3 Areas £290 2 Areas £260 1 Areas £240 Dermal fillers: Revolax Signature Lips 0.5 ml £135 Signature Lips 1.1ml £150 Juvaderm Signature Lips 0.5 ml £150 Signature Lips 1ml. £185 Marrionette Lines/Naso folds From £120 Lip dissolve From £120 Microneedling (per session): £55 Face £90 Body £90 Hair £200 Using plasma Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning Express £30 Dermaplaning Gold £35 Chemical peels: Face 20% £50 30% £65 40% £80 Body 20% £65 30% £80 40% £95 Profhilo: Power of Profhilo £280 per session Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up £200 per session Packages available: Power of profhilo package - 2 visits 1 payment at £500 Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up package - 3 visits 1 payment of £450 Fat dissolving: Prices start from £150
  • Root Canal Treatment
    Single Rooted - £565.00 Premolar - £678.00 Molar - £907.00
  • Re-Root Treatment
    Single Rooted - £765.00 Premolar - £878.00 Molar - £1,107.00
  • Teeth Whitening
    Single tooth internal - £339.00 Full smile - £339.00
  • Emergency Treatment
    Emergency appointment - From £170.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Weekend Emergency call out fee - From £250.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Problem focused appointment - From £98.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment
  • Fillings
    Small - £192.00 Medium - £247.00 Large - £338.00 Temporary filling - £106.20
  • Extractions
    First or only (planned) - £278.00 First or only (emergency) - £308.00 Additional teeth thereafter - £172.00 Wisdom tooth : Upper - £377.00 Wisdom tooth : Lower - £453.00 Surgical XLA - non wisdom - £377.00 Full arch clearance - £2,268.00
  • Dentures
    Gerber full set - £5,805.00 Full upper / lower / partial (>10 t) - £1,814.00 Partial acrylic (<4 teeth) - £1,269.00 Partial acrylic (5-9 teeth) - £1,431.00 Chrome charge - £453.00 Emergency immediate denture - £495.00 Denture repair / addition - £158.00 Provisional immediate denture - £450.00 Denture reline - £233.00
  • Routine Gum Health Treatment
    30 minute routine Hygiene appointment - Included 30 minute upgraded Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £20.00 Additional 30 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £107.80 45 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £160.00 1 hour Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £213.00 Perio Chip (each) - £50.40
  • Other complex procedures
    Sedation (first hour) - £283.00 Sedation (additional 30 minutes) - £100.00 Gum augmentation - £1,512.00 Appicectomy - £831.00 CT Scan - £286.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 1-3 teeth - £252.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 4+ teeth - £312.00
  • Core Fees Where Appropriate
    Large Core - £172.00 Post - £226.00
  • Children
    New Patient Consultation (30 minutes) - £69.70 Dental Health Review (exam) - Included Fissure Sealant (first tooth) - £90.40 Fissure Sealant (additional tooth) - £22.00 Fis GC - £123.00 Small filling (baby tooth) - £123.00 Large filling (baby tooth) - £184.00 Simple extraction (baby tooth) - £123.00 Complex extraction (baby tooth) - £184.00
  • Miscellaneous
    Recement crown / bridge / dressing - £98.00 Recement M'land / porcelain - £144.00 Referral letter / insurance form - £75.00 Prescription - £48.00 Nightguard - £300.00 Sportsguard - £130.00 Essix retainer (single arch) - £130.00
  • Consultation
    New Patient Consultation (1 hour) - £123.00 (paid at the time of booking) Welcome back appointment - £107.00 Dental Health Review (exam) - £69.70 X-rays/Photos (each) - £17.60 Fluoride varnish application - £17.60 OPG X-ray - £26.00
  • Dental Implants
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Implant (single tooth + crown) Including bone augmentation if required - £3,500.00 Implant retained upper denture - Bespoke quotation Implant retained lower denture - Bespoke quotation
  • Invisalign
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Invisalign Comprehensive - £4,399.00 Invisalign Moderate 2 arches - £3,699.00 Invisalign Moderate 1 arch - £2,950.00 Invisalign Lite 2 arches - £2,999.00 Invisalign Lite 1 arch - £2,199.00 Invisalign Express 2 arches - £1,999.00 Invisalign Express 1 arch - £1,520.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper & lower) - £500.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper or lower) - £330.00
  • Composite Bonding
    Small surface (chair side) - £327.00 Medium surface (chair side) - £367.00 Large surface (chair side) - £423.00
  • Advanced Restorations
    Composite Inlay / Onlay - £924.00 Porcelain Inlay - £1,037.00 Gold Crown - £1,037.00 + gold Crown - £1,134.00 Veneer - £1,134.00 Bridges (per unit) - £1,134.00 Composite Veneer - £1,134.00
  • Facial Aesthetics Treatments
    Wrinkle-relaxing injectables: 3 Areas £290 2 Areas £260 1 Areas £240 Dermal fillers: Revolax Signature Lips 0.5 ml £135 Signature Lips 1.1ml £150 Juvaderm Signature Lips 0.5 ml £150 Signature Lips 1ml. £185 Marrionette Lines/Naso folds From £120 Lip dissolve From £120 Microneedling (per session): £55 Face £90 Body £90 Hair £200 Using plasma Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning Express £30 Dermaplaning Gold £35 Chemical peels: Face 20% £50 30% £65 40% £80 Body 20% £65 30% £80 40% £95 Profhilo: Power of Profhilo £280 per session Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up £200 per session Packages available: Power of profhilo package - 2 visits 1 payment at £500 Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up package - 3 visits 1 payment of £450 Fat dissolving: Prices start from £150
  • Root Canal Treatment
    Single Rooted - £707.00 Premolar - £848.00 Molar - £1,134.00
  • Re-Root Treatment
    Single Rooted - £956.00 Premolar - £1,097.00 Molar - £1,383.00
  • Teeth Whitening
    Single tooth internal - £424.00 Full smile - £424.00
  • Emergency Treatment
    Emergency appointment - From £212.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Weekend Emergency call out fee - From £250.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Problem focused appointment - From £123.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment
  • Fillings
    Small - £241.00 Medium - £309.00 Large - £423.00 Temporary filling - £132.00
  • Extractions
    First or only (planned) - £348.00 First or only (emergency) - £385.00 Additional teeth thereafter - £216.00 Wisdom tooth : Upper - £472.00 Wisdom tooth : Lower - £567.00 Surgical XLA - non wisdom - £472.00 Full arch clearance - £2,835.00
  • Dentures
    Gerber full set - £6,350.00 Full upper / lower / partial (>10 t) - £2,268.00 Partial acrylic (<4 teeth) - £1,587.00 Partial acrylic (5-9 teeth) - £1,789.00 Chrome charge - £567.00 Emergency immediate denture - £618.00 Denture repair / addition - £198.00 Provisional immediate denture - £450.00 Denture reline - £291.00
  • Routine Gum Health Treatment
    30 minute Routine Hygiene appointment - £87.80 30 minute upgraded Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £107.80 45 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £199.00 1 hour Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £266.00 Perio Chip (each) - £63.00
  • Other Complex Procedures
    Sedation (first hour) - £354.00 Sedation (additional 30 minutes) - £126.00 Gum augmentation - £1,890.00 Appicectomy - £1,039.00 CT Scan - £358.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 1-3 teeth - £315.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 4+ teeth - £390.00
  • Core Fees Where Appropriate
    Large Core - £216.00 Post - £283.00
  • Children
    New Patient Consultation (30 minutes) - £69.70 Dental Health Review (exam) - £69.70 Fissure Sealant (first tooth) - £113.00 Fissure Sealant (additional tooth) - £27.50 Fis GC - £154.00 Small filling (baby tooth) - £154.00 Large filling (baby tooth) - £231.00 Simple extraction (baby tooth) - £154.00 Complex extraction (baby tooth) - £231.00
  • Miscellaneous
    Recement crown / bridge / dressing - £123.00 Recement M'land / porcelain - £180.00 Referral letter / insurance form - £94.00 Prescription - £60.00 Nightguard - £375.00 Sportsguard - £163.00 Essix retainer (single arch) - £163.00
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Membership Options

Our Membership Plans are about funding key elements of dental maintenance through the year, helping you look after your oral health so you can enjoy a healthy, happy smile.


Our plans also provide valuable insurance should you need emergency treatment out of hours, away from home or following an accident.


The importance of regular Dental Health Reviews to help reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease cannot be over-emphasised.


Most people believe that tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss are inevitable as you grow older; but we would like to show you how to take care of your teeth so that you can look forward to a healthy mouth and happy smile for life.


​We offer Membership Plans for Adults and Children.

  • Consultation
    New Patient Consultation (1 hour) - £123.00 (paid at the time of booking) Welcome back appointment - £107.00 Dental Health Review (exam) - Included X-rays/Photos (each) - Included Fluoride varnish application - Included OPG X-ray - Included
  • Dental Implants
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Implant (single tooth + crown) Including bone augmentation if required - £3,500.00 Implant retained upper denture - Bespoke quotation Implant retained lower denture - Bespoke quotation
  • Invisalign
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Invisalign Comprehensive - £4,399.00 Invisalign Moderate 2 arches - £3,699.00 Invisalign Moderate 1 arch - £2,950.00 Invisalign Lite 2 arches - £2,999.00 Invisalign Lite 1 arch - £2,199.00 Invisalign Express 2 arches - £1,999.00 Invisalign Express 1 arch - £1,520.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper & lower) - £400.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper or lower) - £264.00
  • Composite Bonding
    Small surface (chair side) - £261.00 Medium surface (chair side) - £293.00 Large surface (chair side) - £338.00
  • Advanced Restorations
    Composite Inlay / Onlay - £739.00 Porcelain Inlay - £829.00 Gold Crown - £829.00 + gold Crown - £907.000 Veneer - £907.00 Composite Veneer - £907.00 Bridges (per unit) - £907.00
  • Facial Aesthetics Treatments
    Wrinkle-relaxing injectables: 3 Areas £290 2 Areas £260 1 Areas £240 Dermal fillers: Revolax Signature Lips 0.5 ml £135 Signature Lips 1.1ml £150 Juvaderm Signature Lips 0.5 ml £150 Signature Lips 1ml. £185 Marrionette Lines/Naso folds From £120 Lip dissolve From £120 Microneedling (per session): £55 Face £90 Body £90 Hair £200 Using plasma Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning Express £30 Dermaplaning Gold £35 Chemical peels: Face 20% £50 30% £65 40% £80 Body 20% £65 30% £80 40% £95 Profhilo: Power of Profhilo £280 per session Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up £200 per session Packages available: Power of profhilo package - 2 visits 1 payment at £500 Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up package - 3 visits 1 payment of £450 Fat dissolving: Prices start from £150
  • Root Canal Treatment
    Single Rooted - £565.00 Premolar - £678.00 Molar - £907.00
  • Re-Root Treatment
    Single Rooted - £765.00 Premolar - £878.00 Molar - £1,107.00
  • Teeth Whitening
    Single tooth internal - £339.00 Full smile - £339.00
  • Emergency Treatment
    Emergency appointment - From £170.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Weekend Emergency call out fee - From £250.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Problem focused appointment - From £98.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment
  • Fillings
    Small - £192.00 Medium - £247.00 Large - £338.00 Temporary filling - £106.20
  • Extractions
    First or only (planned) - £278.00 First or only (emergency) - £308.00 Additional teeth thereafter - £172.00 Wisdom tooth : Upper - £377.00 Wisdom tooth : Lower - £453.00 Surgical XLA - non wisdom - £377.00 Full arch clearance - £2,268.00
  • Dentures
    Gerber full set - £5,805.00 Full upper / lower / partial (>10 t) - £1,814.00 Partial acrylic (<4 teeth) - £1,269.00 Partial acrylic (5-9 teeth) - £1,431.00 Chrome charge - £453.00 Emergency immediate denture - £495.00 Denture repair / addition - £158.00 Provisional immediate denture - £450.00 Denture reline - £233.00
  • Routine Gum Health Treatment
    30 minute routine Hygiene appointment - Included 30 minute upgraded Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £20.00 Additional 30 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £107.80 45 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £160.00 1 hour Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £213.00 Perio Chip (each) - £50.40
  • Other complex procedures
    Sedation (first hour) - £283.00 Sedation (additional 30 minutes) - £100.00 Gum augmentation - £1,512.00 Appicectomy - £831.00 CT Scan - £286.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 1-3 teeth - £252.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 4+ teeth - £312.00
  • Core Fees Where Appropriate
    Large Core - £172.00 Post - £226.00
  • Children
    New Patient Consultation (30 minutes) - £69.70 Dental Health Review (exam) - Included Fissure Sealant (first tooth) - £90.40 Fissure Sealant (additional tooth) - £22.00 Fis GC - £123.00 Small filling (baby tooth) - £123.00 Large filling (baby tooth) - £184.00 Simple extraction (baby tooth) - £123.00 Complex extraction (baby tooth) - £184.00
  • Miscellaneous
    Recement crown / bridge / dressing - £98.00 Recement M'land / porcelain - £144.00 Referral letter / insurance form - £75.00 Prescription - £48.00 Nightguard - £300.00 Sportsguard - £130.00 Essix retainer (single arch) - £130.00
  • Consultation
    New Patient Consultation (1 hour) - £123.00 (paid at the time of booking) Welcome back appointment - £107.00 Dental Health Review (exam) - £69.70 X-rays/Photos (each) - £17.60 Fluoride varnish application - £17.60 OPG X-ray - £26.00
  • Dental Implants
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Implant (single tooth + crown) Including bone augmentation if required - £3,500.00 Implant retained upper denture - Bespoke quotation Implant retained lower denture - Bespoke quotation
  • Invisalign
    Initial consultation - 1 hour - £123.00 Invisalign Comprehensive - £4,399.00 Invisalign Moderate 2 arches - £3,699.00 Invisalign Moderate 1 arch - £2,950.00 Invisalign Lite 2 arches - £2,999.00 Invisalign Lite 1 arch - £2,199.00 Invisalign Express 2 arches - £1,999.00 Invisalign Express 1 arch - £1,520.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper & lower) - £500.00 Vivera retainer (3x upper or lower) - £330.00
  • Composite Bonding
    Small surface (chair side) - £327.00 Medium surface (chair side) - £367.00 Large surface (chair side) - £423.00
  • Advanced Restorations
    Composite Inlay / Onlay - £924.00 Porcelain Inlay - £1,037.00 Gold Crown - £1,037.00 + gold Crown - £1,134.00 Veneer - £1,134.00 Bridges (per unit) - £1,134.00 Composite Veneer - £1,134.00
  • Facial Aesthetics Treatments
    Wrinkle-relaxing injectables: 3 Areas £290 2 Areas £260 1 Areas £240 Dermal fillers: Revolax Signature Lips 0.5 ml £135 Signature Lips 1.1ml £150 Juvaderm Signature Lips 0.5 ml £150 Signature Lips 1ml. £185 Marrionette Lines/Naso folds From £120 Lip dissolve From £120 Microneedling (per session): £55 Face £90 Body £90 Hair £200 Using plasma Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning Express £30 Dermaplaning Gold £35 Chemical peels: Face 20% £50 30% £65 40% £80 Body 20% £65 30% £80 40% £95 Profhilo: Power of Profhilo £280 per session Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up £200 per session Packages available: Power of profhilo package - 2 visits 1 payment at £500 Seventy Hyal 2000 Glow up package - 3 visits 1 payment of £450 Fat dissolving: Prices start from £150
  • Root Canal Treatment
    Single Rooted - £707.00 Premolar - £848.00 Molar - £1,134.00
  • Re-Root Treatment
    Single Rooted - £956.00 Premolar - £1,097.00 Molar - £1,383.00
  • Teeth Whitening
    Single tooth internal - £424.00 Full smile - £424.00
  • Emergency Treatment
    Emergency appointment - From £212.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Weekend Emergency call out fee - From £250.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment Problem focused appointment - From £123.00 - Remaining payment for further treatment may be required on completion of appointment
  • Fillings
    Small - £241.00 Medium - £309.00 Large - £423.00 Temporary filling - £132.00
  • Extractions
    First or only (planned) - £348.00 First or only (emergency) - £385.00 Additional teeth thereafter - £216.00 Wisdom tooth : Upper - £472.00 Wisdom tooth : Lower - £567.00 Surgical XLA - non wisdom - £472.00 Full arch clearance - £2,835.00
  • Dentures
    Gerber full set - £6,350.00 Full upper / lower / partial (>10 t) - £2,268.00 Partial acrylic (<4 teeth) - £1,587.00 Partial acrylic (5-9 teeth) - £1,789.00 Chrome charge - £567.00 Emergency immediate denture - £618.00 Denture repair / addition - £198.00 Provisional immediate denture - £450.00 Denture reline - £291.00
  • Routine Gum Health Treatment
    30 minute Routine Hygiene appointment - £87.80 30 minute upgraded Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £107.80 45 minute Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £199.00 1 hour Hygiene appointment with Airflow - £266.00 Perio Chip (each) - £63.00
  • Other Complex Procedures
    Sedation (first hour) - £354.00 Sedation (additional 30 minutes) - £126.00 Gum augmentation - £1,890.00 Appicectomy - £1,039.00 CT Scan - £358.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 1-3 teeth - £315.00 PRF (Socket preservation) 4+ teeth - £390.00
  • Core Fees Where Appropriate
    Large Core - £216.00 Post - £283.00
  • Children
    New Patient Consultation (30 minutes) - £69.70 Dental Health Review (exam) - £69.70 Fissure Sealant (first tooth) - £113.00 Fissure Sealant (additional tooth) - £27.50 Fis GC - £154.00 Small filling (baby tooth) - £154.00 Large filling (baby tooth) - £231.00 Simple extraction (baby tooth) - £154.00 Complex extraction (baby tooth) - £231.00
  • Miscellaneous
    Recement crown / bridge / dressing - £123.00 Recement M'land / porcelain - £180.00 Referral letter / insurance form - £94.00 Prescription - £60.00 Nightguard - £375.00 Sportsguard - £163.00 Essix retainer (single arch) - £163.00

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